Friday Cat Blogging

Heidi soaking up the rays of autumn sunshine

George doing likewise

Heidi soaking up the rays of autumn sunshine
George doing likewise
Labels: Friday Cat Blogging, George, Heidi
“Protection. Conservation. Restriction. Deep ecology. Give me deep technology any day. They don't scare me. "I'm damned if I'll crawl, my children's children crawl on the earth in some kind a fuckin' harmony with the environment. Yeah, till the next ice age or the next asteroid impact." (Moh Kohn, The Star Fraction)/ "This is the fight between God and the Devil. If His Grace is with God, he must join me, if he is for the Devil he must fight me. There is no third way" King Gustavus Adolphus
University graduate, currently working as an Information Assistant for the NHS. Interested in politics, history, sci fi etc.
Labels: Friday Cat Blogging, George, Heidi
Heidi seems a bit preoccupied-- perhaps trying to determine whether the better path to napping nirvana lies in keeping one's head in the sun, or the shade.
One would think she's had enough experience to have sorted out such details long ago. But perhaps Heidi sleeps a sublime Sleep of Forgetfulness that washes away the memories of how she got there.
And though his eyes aren't quite closed in the first photo, those magnificent limbs suggest that George is again swimming, then floating like a
lion's mane jellyfish, in the primordial ocean of Sleep. ;)
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