Friday Cat Blogging
the UK is again experiencing hot weather, so naturally our cats are keeping cool

George in the garage, found a cool spot to chill

Heidi stretched out upstairs enjoying the fan
the UK is again experiencing hot weather, so naturally our cats are keeping cool
George in the garage, found a cool spot to chill
Heidi stretched out upstairs enjoying the fan
Labels: Friday Cat Blogging, George, Heidi
The image of George reading himself to sleep with a children's book-- or, um, perhaps a children's menu-- is utterly charming.
(I didn't know they called them "garages" in England, too. I would've expected garages to be called "wain-stalls" or somesuch.)
Heidi beneath the fan looks as if she's thinking a phrase that is also a favorite of mine, albeit in a different context: This blows! ;)
PS: The garden is lovely! Truly, Moonbootica, thou art surrounded by beauty!
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