Friday Cat Blogging

George on top of the recycling chest of draws

Heidi wide awake

suffering in the heat, having little fur coats is no fun
George on top of the recycling chest of draws
Heidi wide awake
suffering in the heat, having little fur coats is no fun
Labels: Friday Cat Blogging, George, Heidi
Heidi needs air conditioning!
(I don't have a fur coat, but I sure need a.c.)
I trust that George is vigilantly guarding the family recyclables, and not contemplating self-recycling. ;)
Otherwise: Wow! Heidi's impression of a tarsier is superb and makes for a memorable portrait!
The poor thing seems quite in shock at being too warm-- understandably, since it's antithetical to her powerful heat-seeking inclinations.
PS: This delayed posting is due to a two-minute hurricane-force thunderstorm (plus hail) last Thursday afternoon that knocked out electrical power until Saturday evening.
Since it's been unusually hot and humid, the absence of air conditioning made for a truly hellish ordeal! Come to think of it, I probably looked much like Heidi as I drowsed sweatily on the easy chair in an agony of heat and boredom.
All's well that ends well, I suppose.
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