Friday Cat Blogging

George enjoying the September sunshine

Heidi snoozing

George enjoying the September sunshine
Heidi snoozing
Labels: Friday Cat Blogging, George, Heidi
“Protection. Conservation. Restriction. Deep ecology. Give me deep technology any day. They don't scare me. "I'm damned if I'll crawl, my children's children crawl on the earth in some kind a fuckin' harmony with the environment. Yeah, till the next ice age or the next asteroid impact." (Moh Kohn, The Star Fraction)/ "This is the fight between God and the Devil. If His Grace is with God, he must join me, if he is for the Devil he must fight me. There is no third way" King Gustavus Adolphus
University graduate, currently working as an Information Assistant for the NHS. Interested in politics, history, sci fi etc.
Labels: Friday Cat Blogging, George, Heidi
Are those cats ever awake?
lol yeah, but then i don't get a chance to photograph them heh
Heidi and George make me think that we should just turn over the governance of the world to catdom.
I think it just might be an improvement.
Lovely portraits of the snoozers, especially the top one of George catching rays and smiling in his sleep.
The portrait of Heidi-in-a-box is framed and lit just right! I take it that this is some sort of rehearsal for Boxing Day, eh?*
* Yes, I ought to have my fingers boxed for typing that groaner. ;)
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